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4. How Much Money Can I Make?

Video Overview

In our fourth video, let's talk about how much money you can REALLY make with Dustless Blasting.

Part Time
  • Supplement your income on the weekends
  • Make some extra cash in retirement
  • Fit around an unconventional work schedule (e.g. offshore worker, teacher, firefighter)
Full Time
  • Escape your nine-to-five
  • Start working for yourself
  • Stop making someone else rich
Scaling up

If you start to get more business than you can handle, scaling up is simply a matter of buying another machine, teaching someone how to use it, and sending them off to do the jobs you can’t.

Adding Services

Use the auxiliary air ports to power paint guns, air tools, and more.

This means that you can offer sealing, priming and/or painting services in addition to blasting — and charge a premium for doing so. After all, this makes you a one stop shop for your customers.

Make your own money.

Book a call with a startup business advisor.