This innovative compressor-ready cart features a built-in air dryer and cooler, and comes equipped with three extra ports for your additional pneumatic tools.
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Other methods could destroy the substrate, but the wet (Dustless) process ensures that the surface will be preserved with no texturizing or pitting.
When blasting near a body of water, stray debris becomes a major concern. Because Dustless Blasting can be easily contained, it’s the perfect choice for environmentally sensitive areas such as this one.
The wet blasting process erased the graffiti while preserving the brick.
The contractor worked quickly, finishing the job in just 4 hours.
Tarps laid under the blast area captured stray media. Dustless Blasting uses very little water, so there is no significant runoff.
The finished product shows a clean, undamaged surface.
Uncontained emissions and debris from surface preparation operations, such as paint, coatings, paint chips and primers, can be toxic and lethal to aquatic life, can leach into the soil and be taken up by plants, bioaccumulate up the food chain and ultimately affect humans.
One of the chief advantages of wet abrasive blasting over dry blasting is the reduced requirement for containment. Because the emissions and debris are encapsulated and weighed down by water, they can be effectively contained with fewer preventative measures.
Safe on Surfaces: Pressure and flow are easily adjustable, for cleaning a variety of surfaces including concrete, brick, wood, and more.
Eco-friendly: Suppress the plume of dust, to work safely in urban environments with minimal containment.
More effective than power washing: The abrasive does more work than water alone, and uses far less water. See Comparison.
Texas Green Blast
Austin TX
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At Dustless Blasting, our equipment is designed smarter. We’ve got the best, most reliable equipment in the market, guaranteed to help you get the job done right.
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Please note that actual products may vary from the images shown.
Your safety is important to us. Videos shown are filmed in a controlled environment for illustrative purposes only. Always follow your operations manual, maintain equipment properly and wear all applicable PPE. Equipment is capable of extreme pressurization. Improper use can result in serious injury or death.
©2023 MMLJ, Inc. All rights reserved. DB150®, DB225®, DB500®, DB500® Mobile S™, DB500® Mobile XL™, DB800®, DB800® Mobile™, Dual DB800® Mobile™, DB1500®, DB1500® Offshore™, DB1500® Mobile™, DB3000®, DB3000® Mobile™, DUSTLESS BLASTING®, the Dustless Blasting® logo, and “The Future of Surface Preparation” are registered trademarks of MMLJ, Inc.