Case Studies: Automotive Restoration With Dustless Blasting

Automotive restoration with Dustless Blasting is the best way to restore a vehicle because of the machine's versatility and efficiency. This method is faster and safer than traditional methods like sanding, scraping or using chemicals. Auto body shops and Dustless Blasting business owners have used this abrasive blasting system to transform vehicles for thousands of customers. The equipment is able to dry blast, soda blast and wet blast, which gives the contractor the ability to choose which process is best for every automotive project. Let's take a look at a few real world automotive jobs completed with a Dustless Blasting machine.
Dodge Challenger
This Dodge Challenger was restored with the DB500 GT in four hours using 50/100 nickel slag at 80 PSI. The contractor used our #5 XL performance nozzle and operated at a standoff distance anywhere from 12-15 inches. Aside from blasting, this business owner was tasked with prepping the car before the job, which requires masking any chrome, glass or plastic. Since this job required wet blasting, the contractor added our rust inhibitor to the blast pot and rinsed the car with it after blasting to prevent flash rust for up to 72 hours.
1952 GMC Wrecker
Restoring this seventy-year-old wrecker was no problem for the DB500 Mobile XL! The blaster was able to remove all the paint in six hours by dry blasting with 40/70 crushed glass at 80 PSI. Like the previous contractor, they also chose to use the #5 XL performance nozzle and operated at a standoff distance of 18-36 inches.
Fiberglass Corvette
Last, but certainly not least, is a blue fiberglass Corvette completed by a Dustless Blasting business owner and his DB800 Mobile XL unit. He was able to carefully strip this prized possession by using fine glass at 60 PSI with, yet again, our XL performance nozzle.
Automotive restoration tips with dustless blasting
If you're interested in automotive restoration, here are a few recommendations we have to insure you'll get great results. You can learn more about restoring vehicles with Dustless Blasting in this complete automotive restoration guide.
Whether you own an auto body shop already or you're looking to start a mobile blasting business, the Dustless Blaster is the machine for you! Download our free catalog to get started.