The better way to blast.
Dustless Blasting is among the easiest and most efficient removal methods for powder coating, while also being environmentally friendly. No dangerous chemicals, gets through to hard to reach areas, and allows for ultimate blast site versatility.
No hazardous and caustic chemical strippers to deal with.
faster than dry blasting
Water cools the powder coat, making it brittle. This allows the coating to quickly flake off into pieces, instead of heating it up and having it melt off.
Create an Anchor profile
Unlike chemical stripping, blasting leaves an anchor profile for the new coating to adhere to.
less containment
Water suppresses the dust plume, letting you work with less containment and cleanup.
Powder Coating Gallery
![Gallery_powder coat2](
Fast removal
Because the Dustless Blasting process introduces water, it increases the mass and energy that the machine is putting out, making it dramatically faster than dry blasting.
![Gallery_powder coat1](
re-coat ready
Dustless Blasting will leave your substrate with a strong anchor profile for your next coating to adhere to. Our rust inhibitor will prevent flash rust and leave the surface clean and ready for a new layer.
![Gallery_powder coat3](
The Wet Blasting Difference
The water cools the powder coat, making it brittle and easier to remove than heat-based removal methods that make the coating gooey.
Remove Failing Powder Coating from Rims
Remember: as a contractor offering a premium service, you can upcharge when necessary. This contractor was able to charge 50% more than he usually does, because the customer wanted the job done quick.
”I charged [the customer] $75 a rim. They wanted them done ASAP, so they got the ASAP price. I picked the rims up and delivered them back in 2 hrs. They were happy with my service.”